A woman stares solemnly forward as she contemplates contacting a San Diego sexual abuse lawyer.

San Diego Sexual Abuse Attorney

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Legally Reviewed By
Vincent J. Bartolotta, Jr.

Experiencing sexual abuse can leave lasting impacts on one’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Many survivors feel overwhelmed and may not know where to start on their journey to recovery. If you or a loved one is a victim of sexual abuse, you are not alone. 

At Thorsnes Bartolotta McGuire, our attorneys work hard to make a positive difference in every case our firm takes, no matter how complex or challenging your issue may be. You have been through a lot, and we truly care about getting the justice you deserve. But obtaining justice is only one part of our work. 

With over $2 billion recovered in verdicts and settlements for our clients, we will also seek the financial compensation you need to help you move forward in life. We are dedicated to making your life better. Reach out to us for a free, immediate consultation. Call us at (619) 236-9363 or fill out our online form today. 

“Working with the team at Thorsnes Bartolotta McGuire was a fantastic experience during a challenging time. I am so grateful for their professionalism, patience, persistence, and follow-through. While I hope I am never in need of a lawyer again for the rest of my life, I would definitely recommend this firm to anyone in need and would use them again, no questions asked. Thank you!!”

- Client | Alicia C.

Understanding Sexual Abuse 

Sexual abuse includes any forced or unwanted sexual contact. Sexual abuse typically (though not always) involves a pattern of abusive behavior over an extended period. Several actions can fall under the umbrella of sexual abuse, including: 

  • Unwanted kissing or touching.
  • Unwanted rough or violent sexual activity.
  • Rape or attempted rape.
  • Refusing to use condoms or restricting someone’s access to birth control.
  • Keeping someone from protecting themselves from sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
  • Sexual contact with someone who is very drunk, drugged, unconscious, or otherwise unable to give a clear and informed “yes” or “no.”
  • Threatening or pressuring someone into unwanted sexual activity

Remember, sexual abuse doesn’t always mean a physical struggle. Sometimes, it can happen when someone uses pressure, manipulation, or forceful tactics to get what they want. It’s important to understand that these actions are just as serious. Furthermore, sexual abuse can happen to anyone, often by someone the survivor knows, making it even harder to process.

Below are some startling facts on sexual abuse in San Diego: 

  • Law enforcement agencies in San Diego County handled 4,987 sexual assault complaints in a two-year period (2021-2022).
  • Only 7.7% (386 out of nearly 5,000) of these cases resulted in a conviction. 
  • In 2023, the San Diego Police Department reported 727 reports of sexual assault.
  • San Diego experienced an average of 63 sexual assaults per 100,000 females annually between 2014 and 2018.
  • There were 475 rapes reported to law enforcement in San Diego County in the first half of 2022.
  • According to a campus sexual assault survey by San Diego State University, American Indian/Alaska Natives students have the highest rate of sexual assault.
  • This same survey by SDSU found that being involved in a sorority is one of the highest risk factors for sexual assault.
  • When it comes to sexual abuse in institutions, the San Diego Roman Catholic Diocese represents a harrowing trend. The religious institution filed for bankruptcy in June of 2024 after almost 500 legal claims alleging abuse by its priests were brought to trial.

How Underreporting Affects Sexual Abuse Statistics

These numbers highlight some startling facts about sexual abuse in San Diego, but they likely represent only a fraction of the actual cases. The reality is that many instances of sexual abuse go unreported, often because survivors fear they won’t be believed, or they are afraid of facing the trauma of a lengthy legal process. 

Some factors contributing to underreporting include:

  • Feelings of shame or guilt.
  • A lack of trust in the justice system.
  • Fear of retaliation, or uncertainty about where to turn for help. 
  • Worry about the stigma they might face or the impact it could have on their personal or professional lives. 
Certain groups, such as children, LGBTQ+ individuals, and immigrants, are especially vulnerable to sexual assault and abuse, facing additional barriers to reporting and seeking justice. 

At Thorsnes Bartolotta McGuire, our sexual abuse lawyers in San Diego are committed to providing support tailored to each survivor’s specific experience and needs. If you or someone you know has been affected by sexual abuse, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team online or by calling (619) 236-9363. Your voice matters.

What Are My Legal Options in San Diego After Experiencing Sexual Abuse?

For survivors of sexual abuse, taking legal action can feel like a daunting step, but it can also be an empowering way to regain control, seek justice, and hold abusers accountable. 

In San Diego, as in the rest of California, there are two primary types of legal actions available: criminal and civil cases. Both serve different purposes, but both can be vital to addressing the harm caused and ensuring that the abuser faces consequences for their actions:

  • Criminal Cases: Criminal cases are filed by the state, with the goal of punishing the abuser for their crime. The state files charges against the perpetrator, and if convicted, the abuser may face incarceration, fines, and other legal penalties.
  • Civil Cases: While criminal cases aim to punish the abuser, civil cases provide an avenue for survivors to seek financial compensation for the physical, emotional, and financial harm they’ve endured. Civil cases give survivors the opportunity to address the lasting impact of the abuse on their lives.

At Thorsnes Bartolotta McGuire, we’re here to support you through every step of the legal process, from understanding what your legal rights are to helping you seek financial support. Our team fosters a safe environment to ensure survivors feel understood and comfortable at every stage.

How a San Diego Sexual Abuse Attorney Can Make a Difference in Your Case 

Having a knowledgeable attorney can be incredibly valuable for survivors. At our San Diego sexual abuse law firm, we prioritize respect and confidentiality in every case, providing trauma-informed legal support to help survivors feel safe, informed, and empowered.

The legal process can feel overwhelming, but understanding each step can help survivors feel more prepared. Below is what you may be able to expect when working alongside a San Diego sexual abuse lawyer: 

  • Initial Consultation: Typically, the journey begins with a 100% free and private consultation, during which survivors can discuss their situation, ask questions, and learn about their options.
  • Gathering Evidence: A legal team will collect any necessary documentation to support your case, including medical records, police reports, witness statements, and any other pieces of evidence.
  • Handling All Steps in the Legal Process: Your attorney will draft and file any necessary legal documents to officially begin your case while making sure your claim stays on track with any deadlines. 
  • Settlement or Trial: A lawyer will negotiate with the other side to reach a settlement. However, if they do not agree to a fair settlement, then your attorney will fight for your rights in court.

Our sexual abuse attorneys in San Diego offer support during each phase and keep you informed of what to expect so you feel at ease. We assist survivors through each step of the process without pressure and respect every survivor’s experience, ensuring they understand their rights and feel confident in their choices. 

A 2019 study conducted by UC San Diego revealed that over 86% of women in California (compared to 81% nationally) and 53% of men (compared to 43% nationally) report experiencing some form of sexual harassment or assault in their lifetime.

Thorsnes Bartolotta McGuire: A Proven Track Record Helping Our Community Seek Justice

Our lawyers have the experience, courage, dedication, and integrity required to become your allies. We have prosecuted cases for people assaulted in schools, colleges, sports facilities, and more, helping secure over $2 billion in settlements and verdicts for our clients. Some notable cases include: 

  • Case against a tennis coach: Attorney Vince Bartolotta represented victims of a coach who molested young students.
  • Sexual assault by school grounds supervisor: Attorney Kevin Quinn successfully fought for a young woman who was assaulted and threatened by a school grounds supervisor.
  • Spousal abuse litigation: Attorney Chris Hulburt was among the first professionals to litigate a spousal abuse case. In fact, one of his experts first coined the term “battered woman’s syndrome.”
  • GirlsDoPorn.com case: Attorney John O’Brien secured a $20 million award for victims, leading to federal charges against the defendants, and conducted a 99-day trial with 57 witnesses and over 3,000 exhibits.

Why Work With Our San Diego Sexual Abuse Law Firm

For over 47 years, our attorneys have been the experienced voice of children, juveniles, and adults who have faced the traumatic experience of sexual abuse. We will do everything in our power to protect your rights.

We help clients with cases involving many types of sexual abuse, including those involving:

  • Child or adult pornography and prostitution
  • Labor trafficking involving sexual abuse
  • College or statutory rape
  • Sex trafficking of children and adults
  • Abduction of individuals for sex purposes

We know how hard it might be to talk about what happened, but you can rest assured that our attorneys are in your corner and will listen to your concerns and desires. We are not afraid of fighting against institutions like churches, schools, universities, massage parlors, hotels, rehab centers, hospitals, and more.

Thorsnes Bartolotta McGuire is dedicated to improving lives. Let us help you and ensure you can access the legal and financial resources you need to rebuild your life. Call our office in San Diego at (619) 236-9363 or fill out our form to get started with a fully confidential consultation.

Proudly Representing San Diego Residents


San Diego Sexual Abuse FAQs

How Long Do I Have to File a Sexual Abuse Claim in San Diego?
What Types of Compensation Can a San Diego Sexual Abuse Attorney Help Me Recover?
What Does It Cost to Work With an Attorney At Your Firm?
Can I Hold An Organization Accountable for Sexual Abuse?
Can I Hold An Organization Accountable for Sexual Abuse?

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