Can vacuum delivery cause brain damage? Yes and no. Vacuum delivery is a procedure used during childbirth to assist the baby’s exit. It’s considered one of the safest procedures. But while this might be true, it has been associated with a small risk of brain damage.
The incidence of severe neonatal complications, from vacuum-assisted deliveries, is estimated to be about 1-3 per 1,000 births. And these injuries can lead to long-term neurological issues, including cerebral palsy and developmental delays.
Vacuum delivery is still a safer alternative to cesarean sections, and studies show it can reduce maternal morbidity. When performed correctly and in appropriate clinical situations, it can effectively assist in the delivery process. The key is the proper technique and careful assessment by the medical team.
In cases where vacuum delivery results in brain damage due to negligence or improper use of the vacuum device, it may constitute grounds for a medical malpractice claim. Families seeking justice should not hesitate to reach out to an attorney.

If you or a loved one has experienced potential medical malpractice, don't hesitate to reach out to us for legal guidance and support.
Contact Thorsnes Bartolotta McGuire at (619) 236-9363 to schedule a free, fully confidential consultation. We’re here to discuss your potential medical malpractice case and the first steps toward securing justice.
What Are Potential Vacuum Delivery Complications?
These injuries can be a sign of improper use of the vacuum device. Brain bleeding, though rare, can include subdural or subarachnoid hemorrhages, leading to seizures, breathing problems, or long-term brain damage. If these occur, it might indicate excessive force or mishandling during delivery.
Your doctor should check for any bleeding under the scalp causing major blood loss. Immediate care is needed to prevent shock, and failure to provide this care can be considered negligence.
Sometimes when the baby's shoulder gets stuck, it can cause nerve damage leading to weakness or paralysis. A good doctor would monitor the baby before and after delivery to ensure this type of complication doesn’t take place.
Lastly, babies born with vacuum assistance have a slightly higher risk of breathing and long-term developmental issues. All of which fall under medical malpractice.
“When you are in financial distress and physical pain, it is difficult to think clearly and make good decisions. That, in addition to not understanding a legal process, complicates matters even more. Kevin Quinn explained the law and outlined in clear language the steps in the process that needed to be done. He was reassuring, articulate, and effective. Kevin made the process so much easier and gave me peace of mind in a stressful but successful outcome. Kevin was selected on recommendation from a trusted friend and was some of the best advice I have ever received.”
April J.
Types of Vacuum Extraction Birth Injuries: What to Look For?

Vacuum-assisted delivery rarely leads to injury, but in the event that there are side effects of vacuum delivery on your baby, here’s what you should look out for:
Scalp injuries: Watch for cuts, bruises, or a swollen area on the baby’s scalp, known as cephalohematoma. These may indicate improper use of the vacuum and require medical attention to prevent infection.
Intracranial hemorrhage: Be alert for signs of seizures, difficulty breathing, or unusual drowsiness. These could signal brain bleeding caused by excessive force during delivery and necessitate immediate medical evaluation.
Subgaleal hemorrhage: Look for swelling of the scalp that increases rapidly, pale skin, and signs of shock like rapid heartbeat or low blood pressure. This severe bleeding under the scalp requires urgent medical care.
Jaundice: Check for yellowing of the baby’s skin and eyes. Severe bruising from vacuum delivery can raise bilirubin levels, leading to jaundice. If untreated, it can result in serious brain damage called kernicterus.
Shoulder dystocia: Be aware of weakness or lack of movement in one of the baby’s arms. This can indicate nerve damage from the shoulder getting stuck during delivery, possibly resulting from improper technique.
Skull fractures: Monitor for any swelling or indentations on the baby’s head. Skull fractures can occur from excessive force and may require careful monitoring and treatment to prevent further complications.
Retinal hemorrhage: Watch for unusual eye movements or signs that the baby is not tracking objects properly. Bleeding in the eye usually heals on its own but can affect vision if severe.
Maternal complications: Mothers should be alert for excessive bleeding, severe pain, or signs of infection at the site of vaginal or perineal tears. These issues can result from improper handling during delivery.
Neonatal morbidity: Be vigilant for respiratory issues, feeding difficulties, or developmental delays in the baby. These can indicate complications from the vacuum delivery that need medical follow-up.
Long-term effects of vacuum-assisted delivery could mean permanent disability or even death for the mother and child. It’s important to contact a legal professional as soon as a doctor fails to address your birth complications.
Is Filing a Medical Malpractice Suit for a Botched Delivery Easy?
Bringing a medical malpractice suit for a botched vacuum-assisted delivery can be a challenging process. You’ll first need an attorney experienced in medical malpractice to assess the viability of the case.
The attorney will review medical records, consult with medical experts, review your doctor’s history of care, and gather evidence to determine if there was a deviation from the standard of care.
Filing a medical malpractice suit against negligent healthcare providers won’t be easy. You’ll need not only the law but evidence to support your case. Let us help you build a solid one. Contact us online or by phone at (619) 236-9363.
To file a lawsuit, the plaintiff must demonstrate that the healthcare provider's negligence directly caused harm to the baby or mother. This involves proving four key elements: duty, breach of duty, causation, and damages.
The duty is the obligation of the healthcare provider to offer a standard level of care. A breach of duty occurs when the provider fails to meet this standard, such as using excessive force with the vacuum or failing to respond to complications.
Causation links the breach of duty to the injury, and damages refer to the losses suffered, including medical expenses, pain and suffering, and long-term care costs.
Winning a medical malpractice suit can be challenging and unlikely. Healthcare providers often have strong legal defenses, and medical malpractice cases typically require expert testimony to establish that the standard of care was breached.
Plaintiffs must overcome the common defense that complications could have arisen despite proper care. The process is time-consuming and can be emotionally taxing, but with a strong case and the right legal representation, success is possible. Explore all your options first.
Vacuum Delivery Complications? Our Attorneys Are Here for You.
Our attorneys at Thorsnes Bartolotta McGuire have secured significant compensation for medical malpractice clients, including $2.6 million after a doctor failed to perform a timely cesarean section. They also secured $1.2 million for a woman who showed clear symptoms of a stroke but was misdiagnosed as having a migraine.
If you suspect medical malpractice, consult with our experienced personal injury lawyers right away. Remember that time limits apply to filing claims. Don’t delay in seeking legal advice.
We are fully prepared to evaluate your case, gather evidence on your behalf, and represent your interests during negotiations or in court. Victims who collaborate with legal professionals are more likely to not only win, but receive fairer compensation for their pain and suffering.
Reach out to our team at Thorsnes Bartolotta McGuire online or by calling (619) 236-9363 for a free consultation. Understand your legal rights and options. Let us fight for the compensation you deserve.